Contemporary Literacy in Contemporary Kids

Looking back with fond memories

As experienced teachers we know that processes, experiences, organic systems, informal learning and intangible outcomes are as important as content, structures, ordered systems, formal learning and measurable outcomes.  So what we actually did during our two-year strategic partnership was looking for synergy between new and traditional ways of teaching and learning.

The main focus of our project lay on responsible use of modern technology, effective application of information and media, democratic citizenship and intercultural competence. We asked numerous important questions, to which we sought answers in a friendly, non-formal atmosphere. Some of us learned more, others less, but everyone picked up something valuable for themselves.

We applied the model of knowledge construction, real-world problem-solving, self-regulation and skilled communication via high technology, promoted by Microsoft Educator Network. Not only did we engage in interdisciplinary workshops to explore familiar things in new context, but we also worked on innovation in familiar context.  Learner and teacher autonomy were major themes for us, too.  That we used  ICT for learning is quite well shown on the example of this very website. And the e-book.

The students who participated in the project got better at intercultural communication, and they grew more flexible and adaptable, self-motivated and responsible — all highly appreciated qualities in the modern job market. The teachers, on the other hand, developed their professional skills, broadened their experience and  enjoyed variation in their everyday classroom practice.

Did we succeed?  We believe so. Most of us joined the project because we knew what the benefits of an Erasmus+ strategic partnership were.  Others drew inspiration from our partnership to grow more knowledgeable about contemporary literacy.  Still others simply gathered momentum.

Our partnership did promote democracy, equality, solidarity and respect for other cultures, which made our enterprise a true Erasmus+ project.

The CLICK team