Contemporary Literacy in Contemporary Kids

Tevfik Seno Arda Anadolu Lisesi (Turkey)

tevfik-seno-arda-logo-300The vision of our school is to become the leader school that serves modern teaching and learning activities, meets individuals’ vocational and individual needs, and becomes appreciated thanks to its successful graduates.

The mission of our school is to raise knowledgeable individuals who have adopted the principles of democracy and lifelong learning by focusing on human needs and welfare.

Tevfik Seno Arda Anadolu Lisesi serves as an Anatolian high school for which students are supposed to pass an entrance exam. Our school gives upper secondary education to students aged 14-18 that spend four years to complete their program. Our students are supposed to study subjects such as mathematics, foreign language, literature, physics, chemistry, visual arts and music. Besides, they are supposed to enrol one of the school clubs to improve their talents or point of view on the topics that they are interested in. On the other hand, volunteer students work for national and regional projects that our school is part of.

We attach great importance to improving our students’ personal skills, as well as their academic success. Our school has therefore a strong relation with local and regional institutions. We have been interested and involved in regional, national and international projects, which always help our students widen their horizons, improve their vocational and personal skills, as well as prepare them for further education.

We believe that 21st century skills are crucial to succeed in information age. These skills include critical and creative thinking, collaborating and communicating, information, media and technology skills. However, our students also need life skills like flexibility, initiative, social skills, productivity and leadership. In our school, we follow an interdisciplinary curriculum, which boosts these skills intrinsically.

Lastly, our school is eager to participate in transnational projects in order to develop intercultural communication skills both in teachers and students. In fact, our teachers are truly enthusiastic about welcoming multicultural groups and carrying out project activities with students, as well as getting to know new cultures, languages and values.

We bring in competence in modern learning and teaching practices. We are responsible for the risk management of this project.

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