One of the best weeks in my life

Immediately after I got out of the airport I was greeted by palms, which grew everywhere, even at the school and very strong wind. Later I was told, that it´s unusual to be so windy. I also really liked the Spanish food. Especially the Tortillas de Patatas and the Churros tasted very good. But we

2020-06-25T20:12:36+03:00June 25th, 2020|

Thoughts on ‘Demanding high’

When summarizing the article “Demand-High Teaching”, it struck me that the Bavarian learner-centred approach to teaching was in sharp contrast to that in the article which centres on learning. I assume I have become rather good at setting (entertaining) tasks, putting students into groups and creating puzzles. I always hope there will be some outcome

2022-06-28T10:00:46+03:00June 1st, 2020|
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