Most of my English comes from movies

Film literacy does a lot for me in the way it’s a way of me to relax and have something to do with my day, so I don’t just sit around rolling my thumbs in circles and do nothing. Most of my English comes from movies, together with gaming, and so it happens to most

2022-06-20T23:51:11+03:00June 20th, 2022|

You need film literacy when actually making a movie

Film literacy doesn’t mean much to me since I myself don’t really care all that much about how the movie is made. I only see a need for it when it comes to actually making a movie. I just want to be able to lean back and enjoy the movie without thinking “oh they made

2022-06-20T23:38:57+03:00June 20th, 2022|

Film literacy is the way of understanding the film

Film literacy is the way of understanding the film. Like how you conscious you are when you pick a movie to watch and if you pick the wrong movie which does not suit your taste you obviously you pick another movie. I have a long history with film. I watch a good movie on a

2022-06-20T23:30:21+03:00June 20th, 2022|

Film literacy is how well you can “read” a film

Film literacy is an important skill when watching anything more intelligent than Alvin and the Chipmunks or SpongeBob. It means how well you understand the film. Just like regular literacy is how well you can read a book (or your local news agency’s comment section), film literacy is how well you can “read” a film.

2022-06-20T23:05:24+03:00June 20th, 2022|

Film literacy is the ability to watch a film consciously

To me, film literacy is the ability to watch a film consciously. So you can critically analyse what is happening around the characters. Also, why some characters act the way they do and what the film is trying to tell you. You can also decide whether the problems, situations and solutions that are shown in

2022-06-20T22:53:27+03:00June 20th, 2022|

Films help to make my language more colourful

Film literacy means to me that people know how films are made, and different aspects of making a film. Also they know how to watch a movie critically and analyse camera and actors work etc. They know all the stages and elements that need to be done to get a great film. I am pretty

2022-06-20T22:47:37+03:00June 20th, 2022|

A film must have my preferences in order to peak my interest

To me, film literacy means the content of the film itself; such as its story, actors, production etc. The film must have my preferences in order to peak my interest. I personally never use subtitles while watching a film because I understand English enough to appreciate the meaning of the film. Nonetheless, if I do

2022-06-20T22:43:56+03:00June 20th, 2022|
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