At first, I was not sure whether to do this project or not, because having to speak in public made me feel uneasy. But then I thought it was a unique opportunity to meet more people and learn about different countries.

Now if anyone who asked me, how it was, I would say very surely that they shouldn’t doubt it because they wouldn’t be going to regret it. And the effort you have to make doing more jobs and more things certainly makes up for it (at least for me).

This project for me has been impressive and also I have been able to make new friends, and now I miss them a lot since I didn’t think I could get along with them so well.

I have also been able to learn about different points of view of people and to try to understand them. Another thing is that I met teachers from different countries and the truth is that with those who I had the opportunity to speak I really liked them.  And I was impressed by the fact that each one of the people who did the Erasmus with me had a very different story behind, and that appearances cheat because so many times we think how will that person be? But they really are completely different.

I also had the opportunity to spend a week with two more people who weren’t from my family and it was very strange because I am not used to living with more than two people at home, but they were so nice. And the most important thing is that it’s an experience that has only just begun.

By Lola from Spain