When summarizing the article “Demand-High Teaching”, it struck me that the Bavarian learner-centred approach to teaching was in sharp contrast to that in the article which centres on learning. I assume I have become rather good at setting (entertaining) tasks, putting students into groups and creating puzzles. I always hope there will be some outcome for the students but I’m not so sure about that. So this article actually made me think if a focus on learning might not be more successful. You need a lot of practise to do this and when I read the examples in the article, I got some idea as how to do it. Later I watched the YouTube videos of Jim Scrivener and Adrian Underhill. I must say especially Adrian Underhill’s lecture and practical approach was especially helpful. He got the message across very well.
Moreover, liked the idea of “upgrade feedback” which is very important in the Demand-High approach. It states that after the teacher comments on the student’s answer with Good there is nothing else. This is very much true. Instead of saying “good” or praising the student on should give upgrade feedback and challenge the student. I will certainly try this out in the classroom and make sure that the elephant (=quality and depth of learning) will come back to stay in my classroom.
By Stefanie Kieweg from Germany