Welcome to our project website
Dear colleagues
“May ICT be with you” is an Erasmus+ school partnership (2019 – 2022) that aims to improve the participants’ language skills with film and content skills with language. Our method is CLIL, we follow the Six-T’s Approach to Content-Based-Instruction to structure our transnational learning and teaching events, and we use blended learning for innovation and post-project sustainability.
Together, we make a solid team of dedicated teachers driven by curiosity, creativity, and grit. So, like the Padawan learners and their masters in the legendary Star Wars, we seek to capitalize upon our strengths and build upon our limitations.
The website of our project grows as our collaboration unfolds. But we do hope that you can already find things that both inspire and encourage. Enjoy.
You can reach us at info@griterasmusplus.eu should you like to comment or ask a question.
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