Maria-Goretti-Sekundarschule is a school of secondary level, which teaches students aged 12 – 18. Our school is situated in the eastside of Belgium, in a very rural side of the country. The school is theoretically a girls’ school as we only have girls in the first level of secondary school (years one and two). Even though boys are welcome to attend our school from year three, too, most of our students are female. We have general classes, technical classes and professional classes. Altogether, we have got 662 students and 119 teachers. 
What motivates us to participate in this project is the fact that we would like to open our minds to the philosophy of teaching and learning about other countries. Furthermore, we are willing to learn so much more about applying ICT in our daily practices. Not less importantly, we are eager to raise our students’ multicultural and intercultural awareness and to help them grow more open-minded.
Our teachers and students can use different software, such as Word, Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and Publisher, quite well. A new software recently introduced to our students is OneNote, a software by Microsoft gaining more and more popularity in private industry. We also offer on our school a workshop relating to social media, which is quite popular among our girls aged 13 – 14. In the future, we’re willing to offer this type of learning experience to our senior students as well. This workshop is very important for our students because they often don’t know the dangers of cyber-bullying and sexting – an issue we sadly have to tackle with each year over and over again.