Episode V took place in Varde (Denmark) 28 March – 2 April 2022
24 students and eight teachers spent five days together to improve their English skills, create new content on human rights and the rule of law, become more knowledgeable of ICT, and raise everyone’s intercultural awareness.
The most crucial external text of the exchange was the 2019 British comedy-drama film “Blinded by the Light” directed by Gurinder Chadha. The participants produced 24 film reviews and two rounds of debate on the proposition “Nobody wins unless everybody wins”. They also covered minority rights, equality of opportunity versus equality of outcome, and sustainable development.
We learned about the Danish language and culture and spent a day in Esbjerg and Fanø. Our days were full of varied activities combined with a group effort. But the local weather tried us every now and then with icy freshness and made everyone feel the crispness of the North Sea. Still, we had tons of fun, and our young participants had every opportunity to improve their language and intercultural skills.
From the bottom of our hearts, we thank our Danish team for making the last week of March genuinely memorable. Thank you so much, dear Lene, Camilla, and your incredible students!