Contemporary Literacy in Contemporary Kids

Centro de Formação Profissional das Indústrias da Madeira e Mobiliário (Portugal)

5The Vocational Training Centre of Wood and Furniture Industries (CFPIMM), located in Lordelo, Paredes, Portugal, is a public and non-profit organization, created by protocol celebrated between the national Institute of Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP), and the Association of Portuguese Wood and Furniture Industries (AIMMP). CFPIMM develops both educational and vocational courses for youngsters (dual system) and for adults (dual system and professional certification).

CFPIMM has a Management Quality System and is a certified organization in ISO 9001, since 2003.  CFPIMM’s activity is divided into the following major training strands: Initial Training, Continuous Training and Professional Certification for workers from de wood and furniture sector.

Within Initial Training, CFPIMM offers courses with three years duration and with equivalence to secondary school – Apprenticeship Program, and also training courses of one year duration for young and adults searching for their first job – Initial Qualification Program. Reference should also be made to the permanent interaction with industries of the area throughout the period of Initial Training, by the organization of Visits and the existence of a Practical Training component, taking place in those industries.

Both working with adults, the Continuous Training has the purpose to support the industrial development through training and constant modernization of employees. The professional certification of qualifications can be attended by workers of the wood and furniture sector, namely by developing the processes of professional certification concerning the main occupations. This certification can be obtained concluding successfully a course of the National System of Qualifications or developing a process of recognition, validation and certification of professional competences.

With the participation in international partnerships (since 1993) and through this in particular, CFPIMM intends to enhance the continuous improvement on the pedagogical competencies of the technicians/trainers/staff involved and to promote in the students, the perception of a national/cultural identity but, simultaneously, an European intercultural conscience.

CFPIMM brings in expertise in close educational cooperation with local industries, digital and technology related activities, as well as project management. We take care of the quality management of our project.

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