Contemporary Literacy in Contemporary Kids

Learning, Teaching and Training Activity 2

This time, 20 students and 15 teachers gathered for the second learning, teaching and training activity to focus on information and media literacy. The students learned how to ask right questions, choose appropriate sources, find the needed information, assess the value and reliability of it, blend the new with the old, share their new romania_17-001understandings and, as a result, improve their learning skills.  All together the participants then honed their skills in accessing, analysing, evaluating and creating media.

Each partner school team had prepared two case studies, one being about a real-world issue of young Europeans, and the other looking at typical media stereotypes. In transnational teams they mutually introduced and debated those studies, and eventually came up with some brilliant new ideas. It was a sheer pleasure to watch the youth working on their tasks: not only did they acquire new knowledge and skills, but they also created quite a few unspeakable intercultural moments together!

We were lucky enough to enjoy some beautiful, sunny days and visit places that play a great role in the history of Romania, such as Suceava Fortress, Sucevita Monastery and Voronet Monastery. The participants danced and sang together, painted eggs, enjoyed traditional food, and admired the beauty of Romanian national clothing.

We’d like to thank our warm-hearted Romanian host team very much for having us!

What did we do?

How did it go?