1. Special educational needs
  2. Team teaching
  3. Values education

Project portfolio

A kick-off meeting in Elva

A strategic partnership funded by the Comenius Programme

An initiative of Elva Gymnasium (Estonia) on special educational needs and teacher collaboration across Europe

Project manager: Triin Lingiene

Central themes: teaching pupils with special educational needs; teacher team building; strategic planning and helpful resources

Presentations, discussions, workshops, collegial couching, study trips, student contests and the like

Underlying themes: understanding and teaching human values

2006 – 2009

Six transnational learning, teaching and training events

Björkängsgymnasiet (Sweden), De SmalleKoolkerke (Belgium), Elva Gümnaasium (Estonia), ITC “LiberoGrassi” (Italy), Mansfeld-Schule (Germany), Sint-Jozefinstitut (Belgium), SørreisaSentralskole (Norway) and ZespólSzkólw Libiąžu (Poland)