Contemporary Literacy in Contemporary Kids



September. The whole school was informed about the project especially the teachers and the students, who are connected to the international track, which is the track that is involved in the project.

October. At the Open House arrangement at Varde Campus, where we every year invite potential new students and their parents to tell about 10iCampus, we briefly informed the guests about the possibility for the students to take part in the project in the school year 2016-2017. We also started preparing the visit in Estonia for the Transnational Project Meeting where we were supposed to make a presentation of our school.

November. The First Transnational Project Meeting in Tartu, Estonia. The meeting was a huge success and all the six nations agreed upon the contents of the project. We enjoyed the stay in Tartu very much and were very excited about Tamme Gümnaasium.

December. We started the selection of the two students, who should go to Porto in Portugal in February 2016. Every student in our international track could write an English application to the teachers. We got 12 applications and all 12 students took part in an interview in English where they orally had to convince us to choose them.


January. The preparations for the first Transnational Meeting began. The two students made a presentation about our country, region and school. And the topic of the meeting “Digital and Technology Literacy” was also thought over by both teachers and students. The teachers also had to prepare a presentation about the topic “Dissemination“, so the teachers of the project could agree upon a strategy in Porto.  At our second Open House arrangement at Varde Campus, where we every year invite potential new students and their parents to tell about 10iCampus, we again informed the guests about the possibility for the students to take part in the project in the school year 2016-2017.

February. The first meeting of Learning, Teaching and Training Activity took part in Porto in Portugal. We enjoyed the meeting very much. Both students’ and teachers’ intercultural competences were improved.

March. When we returned home, we disseminated the meeting both at our school, but also in the local newspaper and on our webpage and the school’s Facebook page.

April. One of the teachers who also is the international coordinator took part in a meeting of the local network of international coordinators in the region, where the topic was dissemination.

May. The international coordinator took part in a seminar in Oslo in Norway where the main topic was “School Drop Outs”. Among other things we discussed how Key Action 2-projects can help reducing school drop outs. We also did the preparation of the meeting in Turkey – especially the display of the evaluation of the dissemination.

June. The Second Transnational Project Meeting in Izmit in Turkey. The meeting was a huge success and all the six nations made a great wall of dissemination. We enjoyed the stay in Izmit very much and were very excited about Tevfik Seno Arda Anadolu Lisesi. Afterwards we disseminated some of the things from Turkey.

In the end of June our school year was over and the two students who took part in the meeting in Porto in Portugal got their diploma – and along with this diploma they also got the special certificate of attendance from the meeting in Portugal.

July. Summer holidays.

August. We started the selection of the two students, who should go to Falceni in Rumania in October 2016. Every student in our international track could write an English application to the teachers. We got nine applications and all nine students took part in an interview in English where they orally had to convince us to choose them.

September. We prepared the second meeting of Learning, Teaching and Training Activity in Rumania. The students were supposed to prepare a presentation of the country, region and school and they also prepared a Cultural Moment about H.C. Andersen and Lukas Graham. The topic of the meeting was “Information and Media Literacy” and this topic was also thought over by both students and teachers by creating two different case studies.

October. The second meeting of Learning, Teaching and Training Activity took part in Falceni in Rumania. We enjoyed the meeting very much. Both students’ and teachers’ intercultural competences were improved.

November. The big presentation of the meeting in Rumania will take place the 14th of November. Here the three students will tell the whole school about the meeting in Rumania and the teachers will tell about the future visit in March 2017 in Varde. They will tell about the homestay arrangement and show a little homemade promotion film about all the fun it will be to host a student from the project.

December. The big presentation of the meeting in Romania went extremely well. And we told for the first time 10ICampus about the plans for the meeting in Denmark. We started receiving very nice and interesting mails from the chosen students to participate in the meeting in Denmark. The kind mails contained video presentations and personal information sheets.

We also had the first important meeting about the detailed planning of the meeting in Denmark.


January. The excursions and the guest teachers are now planned in details. Hard work is put into finding the host families – our students are very busy people!!

February. In a corporation with one of our students we made a layout for the e-book. And the hard work planning the meeting in Denmark with arrangements concerning transport, food, accommodation, home-stay etc. continues.

March. This was quite of a busy month. We spend a lot of time on preparing the third LTTA here in Varde. We had to prepare all the practical things, such as making the classrooms ready, make sure that transport and hotels were correct, making folders, making name tags, preparing the instructions, holding a parent-teacher meeting and so on.

We filled out some different templates for the e-book, such as lesson plans and other things.

We also made an additional track this month, which we called the C.L.I.C.K. track. Here we had to make the participating students ready for the transnational activity. They got to make a cultural ceiling from umbrellas, and they had to learn about the country that each umbrella represented, we also made the student make our interpretation of “the Hopes and Fears” from the other countries, they prepared a guiding tour around the facilities of Campus. Among other things they learned about Speakers Corner and made speeches for this session. They prepared the session “My Country in a Bag”, and they wrote emails for their host student. And last but not least we talked a lot about politics and intercultural awareness.

In the end of the month we held the third transnational activity. Here you’ll be able to see our objectives and the program for the 5 days.

And we also had some newspapers write about this project, and here are some of the articles.

April. We evaluated the project and we made the video about our transnational activity. Then we had to make the financial report. And we wrote thank you to all of our guest speakers and other people who helped us during the week in Denmark. Watch the video here:

May. We were busy collecting and correcting all the empiricism from the LTTA in Denmark. Also the international coordinator prepared a presentation about dissemination.

June. We prepared for the third Transnational Project Meeting in Valencia.

In the end of June our school year was over and the students who took part in the project got their diploma – and along with this diploma they also got the special certificate of attendance.