Contemporary Literacy in Contemporary Kids


October 2015. Preparation of the 1st Transnational Project Meeting in Estonia, development of logos proposals. See the proposals here.

December 2015. Dissemination of CLICK Project through a publication in the magazine “Valor Madeira” nº 26. In this article is made a detailed description of the Project (link to the page of the magazine – in Portuguese) and our participation in the 1st meeting.

January 2016. Preparation of the 1st Learning, Teaching and Training Activity developed in CFPIMM (Portugal).

February 2016. Dissemination of the project in CFPIMM’s  e-newsletter (see here).

March 2016. Dissemination of the 1st Learning, Teaching or Training Activity (LTTA) in CFPIMM e-newsletter (see here).

April 2016. Preparation of the 2nd Transnational Project Meeting in Turkey.

June 2016. Dissemination of CLICK Project through a publication in the magazine “Valor Madeira” nº 27 (link).

July 2016. CLICK project was audited by the Portuguese National Agency Erasmus + in CFPIMM facilities. The development of the project was monitored considering the all the activities undertaken so far and the fulfilment of the budget foreseen for those activities.

September 2016. Activities were developed with CFPIMM students within the Digital and Technological Literacy for CLICK e-Book (see here). Preparation of activities for the 2nd Learning, Teaching or Training Activity in Romania.

November 2016The students who participated in the 2nd LTTA in Romania (Salomé and Nelson) presented the results of that Activity to all the studentsand teachers from CFPIMM( presentation; video; photos).

December 2016. Dissemination of Click Project in CFPIMM’s magazine “Valor Madeira”. There was an article about the LTTA done in Romania which title was “Students of CFPIMM in Romania – meeting about information and Media Literacy”. (link)

January 2017. Selecting the Trainees to participate in the second Learning, Teaching and Training Activity in Denmark .(Video Fabio) (Video Ana)

February and March 2017. Preparation of activities for the 3rd Learning, Teaching and Training Activity in Denmark .

April 2017. Dissemination of the project in CFPIMM’s e-newsletter – “Students of CFPIMM in Denmark”. (link)

May 2017.  Dissemination session – the students who participated in the 3rd Learning, Teaching and Training Activity, in Denmark, (Ana and Fábio) presented all the activities done.

May 2017.  Dissemination session – the students who participated in the 3rd Learning, Teaching and Training Activity, in Denmark, (Ana and Fábio) presented all the activities done. (link)