Contemporary Literacy in Contemporary Kids

Colegiul Tehnic Mihai Bacescu

September 2015. We introduced C.L.I.C.K. project to our teachers, parents and students of our school and to our local community.

October 2015. Our project was presented during teachers and students meetings. The 6 teachers who are members in the project team selected the students target group.

The students who were interested to be members in our project filled in the application form and sent it to our team.  The teachers decided upon the type and form of the necessary documents for the students’ evaluation and selection. The teachers prepared also for the first transnational meeting1-cerere-ka2-ee 1-1-fisa-de-identificare-selectie 2-acord-parental-ka2-ee 3-chestionar-selectie-elevi-ka2-ee 4-declaratie-angajament-parinti-ka2-ee 5-declaratie-disponibilitate-ka2-ee.

November 2015. The first transnational project meeting (kickoff) was held in Tartu, Estonia. After the kickoff meeting, we disseminated the activities that took place in Tartu and we presented the Project Agreement and the follow-up activities.(diseminare Estonia)

The students target group of our project was selected after the students presented their folders with all the required documents and they also participated to an interview.

December 2015.  The students’ first task was to search for information regarding the partner countries. They were divided into six different groups and made posters for each partner county of our project.

From the target group, the students who were selected by the coordinating team of the project to attend the First LTTA from Portugal, were those who achieved the highest score in selection because it was necessary for them to have good communication skills in English and also computer skills (Mihaela-Alexandra Musteata and Catalin-Daniel Bejenaru).

January 2016. The students presented and displayed their team work and together with the teachers prepared for the First Learning and Teaching Activity “DIGITAL AND TECHNOLOGY LITERACY”

February 2016. In order to prepare the materials required for the activities in Portugal, students made the presentations of the project team, of the school, city, region and country, and also a presentation with the hopes and fears related to this meeting.

2 students and 2 teachers participated in the 1st LTTA in Lordelo, Portugal.

March 2016.  The students disseminated the activities that took place in Portugal. Students compared and contrasted social networking sites.

Dissemination activities-

April 2016.  Teachers gave open classes where there were applied the information learned in the 1st LTTA “Digital and Technology Literacy”

We started preparing the second transnational meeting in Turkey.

May 2016. Our school promoted the project locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. Second transnational project meeting in Izmit, Turkey.

June2016 – Students and teachers worked interactively on the project website and e-book.

July  August  – September 2016.  Students and teachers started the preparations for the 2nd LTTA “MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY”

There were made all the necessary preparations for the 2nd LTTA. Both teachers and students searched for information regarding the main topics for this meeting: information literacy, media literacy, effective learning and motivation, how to develop students’ creativity, PBL method, media stereotypes and meaningful media messages

  • In collaboration with the partners there were decided the structure of the learning activities.
  • Each partner prepared a case study on European Youth Problems and on Media Stereotypes, according the structure proposed by the Romanian team, as host institution.
  • In the framework of our implementation team, there were distributed the responsibilities for each activity
  • We developed training activities for our students target group, who submitted as volunteers to participate to the activities from the 2nd LTTA, in order to write the 2 case studies on European Youth Problems and on Media Stereotypes.
  • We developed activities for ensuring the best conditions for the development of the learning and teaching activities, for the partners’ transportation, meals and accommodation.
  • There were developed activities for the preparation of participants’ folders and for the materials promoting the event.

October 2016. The SECOND LEARNING, TEACHING AND TRAINING ACTIVITY was held in Falticeni, our school being the host for this meeting.

November 2016– The students and teachers carried on dissemination  activities of the results for the second LTTA held in Romania.

Dissemination activities:

We established the selection criteria for the students who wanted to participate in the 3rd  LTTA from Denmark (March 2017). The students were informed about these criteria and expressed their intention to take part in this LTTA. Eight students from the target group participated at the selection stage and two of them were selected to take part at the 3rd LTTA according the highest score.

December 2016 – The students and parents were informed about the first draft of the activities program that would be developed during the 3rd LTTA.

Students and teachers worked interactively on the project website and e-book.

January 2017– Teachers gave open classes where there were applied the information learned in the 2nd LTTA “Media and information Literacy”.

We started the necessary preparations for the 3rd LTTA.

February 2017 – In order to prepare for the required tasks the project team, students and teachers, searched for the information regarding the main topics of this LTTA: political and intercultural literacy. We prepared 2 case studies active citizenship, democracy and cultural awareness.

March 2017 – Students and teachers started the preparations for the 3rd LTTA “POLITICAL AND INTERCULTURAL LITERACY”. Students and teachers had to make some research regarding the topic of this LTTA and we prepared all the materials that were asked by the hosting partner, 10iCampus.

Between 27th and 31st of March  the 3rd LTTA was held, in Varde, Denmark.

April 2017 – We made the dissemination for the 3rd LTTA held in Denmark. The 2 students and the teachers prepared their presentations for their colleagues and for the teachers in our school. There were meetings with students, teachers and parents and all were informed about the activities that were developed in Denmark.

The dissemination was made at  local, national and international level (the International Symposium heald in our school “Romania intre Occident si Orient”).

Teachers had also run the open classes with the topics regarding democracy, politics, intercultural literacy and tolerance.

May 2017 –  we started the preparations for the last transnational meeting which will be in Spain. The Romanian team is responsible with the chapter related to the Sustainability of the project and we talked about what we propose for this part of the project.