Contemporary Literacy in Contemporary Kids

C.E. Rivas Luna

September 2015.  We informed about the project to all the school community, especially the teachers and students in 4th year of Secondary school, who are the ones involved in the Project.

October 2015. We explained students in 4th year of Secondary school the topic of Contemporary Literacy. We started preparing our “homework” — a presentation of our school — for the first transnational meeting in Tartu, Estonia.

November 2015. First transnational meeting in Tartu, Estonia, which was a success and the definite step to settle down all the concepts and tasks related to the project. After the meeting, we communicated all the agreements accomplished to the management team and did all the tasks related to register the expenses, worked on the evaluation and the report of the meeting.

December 2015. We started with the selection of students for the first transnational Learning and Teaching Activity in Portugal. We put up posters in the classrooms to announce the selection process. The students wrote an application with the contents required by us. After that, we interviewed them before the final decision.

January 2016.  We started getting prepared for our first Teaching and Learning activity in Portugal. We worked with the selected students about the types of literacy we were going to deal with (digital and technological).  Our two students made a nice presentation about our country, region and school.  We did all the tasks we were required to do before the meeting in Portugal. Primary teachers explained the project to Primary teachers, focusing to the issue of six different European countries working together. They asked the children to search information about each country.

February 2016. Before the activity in Portugal, Primary children displayed all their work about the countries in their classrooms and corridors (pictures attached). Each class recorded a video in which children send greetings in the language of the country they had worked on. These videos were shown to the others partners in Portugal. We also continued working on all the tasks before the meeting. After the meeting in Portugal, we did the tasks as follow: inform the management team about the meeting, do the registration of expenses, work on the report and evaluation.

March 2016.  Our two students that participated in the activity did a presentation to share their experience with teachers and Secondary students.

April 2016. We wrote an article about the project for  the school website.

We started preparing the second transnational meeting in Turkey.

May 2016. We continued with the preparation of tasks of the meeting in Turkey. After the meeting, we did all the work usually done after each meeting.

June 2016.  We wrote an article about the project for  the school magazine , wich was launched at the end of the year. We wrote and send the mid-term evaluation report for our National Agency.

August 2016.  We worked on the website following the indications of the project coordinator.

September 2016.  We prepared the second transnational Teaching and Learning activity in Romania, including the selection of the two students following the stipulated process, the elaboration of the presentation of our region and all the tasks required for the development of the activity.

October 2016. The Second Transnational Teaching and Learning activity in Romania. We had a fantastic experience full of learning and cultural activities. When we came back to school, we did the expected tasks related to the activity: inform the management team, students and teachers about the activity and all the knowledge that we had acquired.

The students participating in the activity started preparing a presentation to explain their experience to their classmates.

November 2016. The students that participated in the activity made their presentation to their classmates, which were very interested in everything they were told.

We wrote an article about the activity in Romania for our school magazine and also for our webpage.

December 2016. We started with the selection process of the students participating in the Third LTTA which will take place in Denmark in March 2017. We talked to the students about the topic of the activity. Those students interested in participating in the activity had to apply by elaborating a video in which they introduce themselves and explain why they would like to participate in the project.  These videos had been asked by the Danish team to find host families for the students, but we found them a good resource to select our students too. After collecting all the videos, the management team, with the help of the Erasmus team,  started the selection process and selected the two students participating.

January 2017. Some of our students, with the guidance of the Art teacher elaborated some pictures for the project E-Book, as part of the Spanish team task, as decided in Romania.

We also started filling the participants forms to be sent to the Danish members, getting ready for the next LTTA.

February and March 2017. We have been working on the LTTA in Denmark. We did all the tasks required and explain the students the topic of the activity (political and intercultural literacy). We made them to search information about related issues to get the correct background.

On the 26th of March we travelled to Varde, Denmark, and spent a wonderful week, full of activities, conferences and cultural visits.

April 2017.

The students participating in the LTTA in Denmark made a presentation for the rest of the students about their experience.

We started with the preparations of the Transnational Meeting in Spain.

May 2017.

The students in the last year of Upper Secondary worked on the Speaker’s corner (one of the activities in the LTTA in Denmark. They wrote their speeches and spoke in front of the class.

We continue with the tasks related to the meeting in Spain.