Contemporary Literacy in Contemporary Kids

Tevfik Seno Arda Anadolu Lisesi

TSAAL is a partner school in this fruitful parnership which means we share the common responsibilites and carry out the Project activities according to the working program as other partners do simultaneously. Besides, our school is resposible for preparing the Risk Mangement Plan and assisting other partners if needed. Here is a summary of what we have done so far since the beginning of our project.

September 2015

  • We introduced our Project within our school and related institutions in the neighbourhood in various aspects such as partners, objectives and activities.
  • We started our Project team of 7 teachers(one more teacher joined our lovely group later:) and 95 volunteer students.

October 2015                   

  • Our teachers and students wrote short writings about what they knew about dimensions of literacy and what they expected from our Project.
  • Two teachers got prepared for kick off meeting which took place in Estonia.
  • The meeting in Estonia and the start of our Project were introduced via local newspapers.

November 2015              

  • We attended the meeting in Estonia.
  • The teachers who attended Estonian meeting shared their experience and the significant notes they took in the kick off meeting with Project management team. Meeting photo
  • We disseminated Estonian meeting via local newspaper and school website.
  • We prepared ‘LET’S CLICK’ board for disseminating Project activities in our school.

December 2015

  • We prepared the draft of Risk Management Plan.
  • We annonced the details of the meeting in Portugal, had an interview with students and students wrote motivation letters.

January 2016

  • We got prepared for Learning , Teaching and Training Activity which would take place in Portugal.
  • Our students got familiarised with the objectives of the meeting, searched and read about digital and technological Literacy for further information as well.

February 2016

  • Our students and volunteer teachers wrote opinion articles and draw cartoons about social networking sites.
  • We attended the meeting in Portugal. Photo
  • We disseminated the meeting and project activities via local newspaper and school website.
  • We organised workshops :
    • E-Twinning for all teachers
    • Digital literacy- digital music for students and teachers
    • Online CV workshop for students
    • Online quiz for teachers

March / April 2016

  • We started the hosting group for Turkey meeting.
  • Students got prepared for their presentations about our country, city , education system and prepared a street interview video about the partner schools.
  • 8 teachers and 30 volunteer students tried to do their best to contribute and prepare a nice meeting for our guests.
  • We organised open classroom activity about digital and technological literacy. The activity was also about media literacy. Plan
  • Our students prepared a partnership tree’ whose leaves have facts about partners.
  • Our students prepared a display of their handcraft and paintings.
  • Our students prepared a Hopes and Fears’ board.
  • Our students prepared display boards of each country.

May 2016

June 2016

  • We disseminated our Project by updating our Project Board.
  • We had an interview with students who would like to attend the meeting in Romania and they wrote motivation letters.
  • We started the team of 2 teachers and 4 students for the second Learning, Teaching and Training activity in Romania.

September 2016

October/November 2016

  • We issued a monthly school magazin called CLICK.
  • We prepared ‘Give Peace a Chance ‘ tree whose leaves have a message to future about peace and tolerance.
  • Open classroom activity about social networks.


December 2016

  • We issued the second CLICK magazine.
  • We discussed the influence of media on our lives in monthly Project club meeting by an interactive activity.
  • We searched about cultures of  countries that attach their interest as an intercultural literacy activity and summarised on a board.


January / February 2017

  • We  got prepared for third LTT that would take place in Denmark.
    • Students prepared ‘speaker’s corner’ speeches. 1     4   5   6
    • Students preaped a glossary .
    • Students searched about Denmark, Varde and Danish culture.
    • Students recorded videos introducing themselves to the host families.

March /April 2017

  • 2 teachers and 6 students attended in LTT in Denmark.
  • The teachers and students shared their experience with other students and teachers via meetings and boards.
  • We updated project display board at our school.
  • We updated CLICK files on school website.
  • The students wrote evaluation papers. 1   2  3   4
  • We disseminated the meeting in Denmark via a local newspaper.

May 2017

  • Two teachers from Project management team wrote papers about the impact of our Project.  1  2
  • We organised workshops about the topics  we had worked in Denmark.  Create your own country.  1    3   4