Contemporary Literacy in Contemporary Kids

Nostalgic about the last learning, teaching and training activity

Taking into consideration the fact that the meeting in Denmark was the last LTTA with students, we felt nostalgic about the thought that our project was about to finish. The activities we developed during the whole week, however,  surpassed our expectations in many ways.

The topic of our meeting “Political and Intercultural Literacy” was not very easy, and we had to prepare and make some research before the meeting. Even if the topic seemed difficult, our hosts, 10iCampus from Varde, managed to raise interest among teachers and students who were present in Denmark through the activities which were very well prepared for the entire week.

Both students and teachers participated in very interesting activities on critical thinking and problem solving. They took part in several debates on immigration and refugees. The students were provoked to make up their minds about intercultural awareness, and they were encouraged to think in a critical and relevant way. We hope that they will become good and responsible citizens in Europe and all over the world.

One of our favourite activities was “The Speakers Corner”, where students had the feeling of being part of a play that took place in Hyde Park, London. They also got a feeling of importance of the freedom of speech.

After this LTTA both students and teachers (why not?!) had a clearer clue as to what citizenship and politics are and how difficult it is to talk about many problems the world is currently facing. Furthermore, the students gained more experience in what democracy is and how it works. All in all, our political knowledge improved.

The students and teachers involved were not only trained, but also acquired new skills and competences.  This meeting and the whole project helped us to understand better the world we live in.

Raluca – Oana Horvat and Mihaela Jarcau

Technical College “Mihai Bacescu”, Falticeni, Romania